Sunday, September 28, 2008

Assignment Roles

Hi group,

Our assignment is due 10/8. We need to create a 5 page paper.

Group facilitor - Carrie
Draft of paper - ?
Review of paper - ?
Submit final paper - ?

Please provide initial feedback to the group questions by 10/3. Added a blog post for each question. We should be able to read / respond to each others comments / questions. If we can provide alot of content / analysis in this forum, the actual paper should be easy to compile. (e.g. if we take the time to do our own analysis and have well thought out and structured opinions that can be easily copy/pasted :0)

Important Milestones -
1) 10/3 Respond to questions - personal responses - ALL MEMBERS
2) 10/4 Draft paper and post for group - Need volunteer
3) 10/5 Review paper and provide feedback - ALL MEMBERS
4) 10/6 Update paper with Final comments - Reviewer should be diff than drafter
5) 10/7 Final paper complete and ready for submission
6) 10/8 Submit final paper

Hope this helps get us on track!

~ Carrie
773 633 5015

1 comment:

Carrie said...

DRAFT - Sarah (post by Sunday AM)
REVIEW - Ralph (Post by Sunday PM)
POST - Carrie (Post by Monday AM)

Review / add commentary as needed to beef up sections - Lisa / Sunday day?